Pecka 2021: Annual General Meeting

Sep 23, 2021

Annual general meeting of the SEENET network was held in the village Pecka in Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 14th to 16th September 2021.

From the establishment of the SEENET network in 2010, its trademark was regional meetings happening every year in the summer time. Until the 2018, the meetings were organized in Croatia, in a great environment of Šolta island. In 2019, a smaller scale network meeting was organised in Zlatna Greda (Croatia), but without an official Assembly. Furthermore, meeting was not organized in 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions. Finally, coordination team organized a meeting of SEENET members in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2021.

Visitor Center Pecka

Our hosts were amazing and warm welcoming team of Visitor Center Pecka. On the meeting came members from five countries: Gjorgji Mitrevski- organization Eko svest (North Macedonia), Laidi Ferruni and Elona Voci- organization OAA and Simo Ribaj- SEEP (Albania), Pera Marković- CEKOR and Ana Mileusnić- Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia (Serbia), Azra Vuković and Andrija Krivokapić- Green Home (Montenegro), Pippa Gallop- Bank Watch and Hrvoje Radovanović- Zelena Akcija (Croatia).

Agenda and activities of the meeting

On the first day, participants started with introduction session and discussion on stability and sustainability of NGOs in the region, regarding the constantly changing environment and different challenges. After which, we had an unofficial premiere of the movie  “Speak out and stay safe” which presents different cases and stories of activists across Western Balkan.

Second day of the regional meeting started with panel discussion on nature protection and energy alternatives/energy efficiency in the region. It was a great possibility for all participants to learn about good and bad practices in the region. Besides the workshops, as a field trip, participants had an opportunity to visit beautiful Sana springs. Afterward, legal expert of the Stay safe project: Ena Bavčić held a workshop on security and risk management of environmental activists.


Official SEENET Assembly 2021

The final day of the SEENET meeting ended with most important activity for the SEENET network- official Assembly. After two years, it was held in a hybrid online/live event with participants from 14 members from the region. It was a special pleasure to welcome four new organisations into the network ALHem – Alternativa za bezbednije hemikalije (Serbia), Zeleni Osijek Udruga (Croatia), НИДСБЕ “Јосиф Панчић” (Serbia) and Građanska inicijativa “Jer nas se tiče” (Bosnia and Herzegovina). More about the new members and all other conclusions of the Assembly find bellow in the notes from the meeting. Also, we are specially proud of the coordination board that was renewed with a great new team of Azra Vuković from Green Home, Laidi Ferruni from OAA and Gjorgji Mitrevski from Eko- svest.


The meeting was realized through the project “Stay safe and speak out” which implements Center for Environment with five partners from the SEENET network: EDEN (Albania), Eko- svest (North Macedonia), Center for ecology and energy (B&H), Green Home (Montenegro) and CEKOR (Serbia), as part of a project “Protecting Civic Society- Regional Civil Society Development Hub” financed by SIDA and implemented by BCSDN.

Stay safe and speak out!