Q&A with the experts: Prof Miroslav Kopečni (Serbia)

Q&A with the experts: Prof Miroslav Kopečni (Serbia)

We are closing with interviews from Serbia with a talk about the state of energy in Serbia with prof Miroslav Kopecni. Prof Miroslav Kopečni (Ph.D. in physical chemistry), spent his working life in science, engaged in various managerial positions and in the positions...
Q&A with the experts: Zoran Bukvić (Serbia)

Q&A with the experts: Zoran Bukvić (Serbia)

It is our first series of Q&A with the experts. We have three experts from three topics (Biodiversity, Transport and Energy) coming from Serbia. In the second interview our questions about transport answered Zoran Bukvić. Zoran comes from the association Ulice za...

Q&A with the experts – Marko Šćiban (Serbia)

We have the pleasure to begin our Q&A with expert series by talking to Marko Šćiban, Serbian biologist and an experienced researcher at the Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia (Društvo za zaštitu i proučavanje ptica Srbije). Marko has been actively...

Jadarite – profit for some, damage to everyone (Serbia)

Amendments to the Law on Mining and Geological Research from 2018 made by the government of Serbia have left the doors ajar for opening new mines through loose procedures. This is a consequence of direct lobbying of foreign capital against the decision of domestic...
11 eco friendly shopping advices

11 eco friendly shopping advices

Almost every day we can read news about air pollution, waste accumulation, microplastics in the water and other topics about human impact on the environment. In recent years, such news has become more frequent, but we are often unaware that we, as individuals, can...