Q&A with the experts – Bernard Ivčić (Croatia)
Our energy expert from Croatia is Bernard Ivčić. He is an activist and program coordinator in Zelena akcija / FoE Croatia, and over the years he covered various topics...
Q&A with the experts – Ana Čolović Lesoska (North Macedonia)
Our biodiversity expert from North Macedonia is the incredible Ana Čolović Lesoska - a renowned biologist, passionate activist, and Goldman Environmental Prize Winner...
International Human Rights Day: Environmental activists are increasingly exposed to pressures and threats
Activists fighting for healthy environment and basic human rights throughout Balkan region are increasingly faced with threats, pressures, attacks and labeling. All of...
Q&A with the experts – Dragan Kabić (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
From Bosnia and Herzegovina we have Dragan Kabić to describe the situation with transport system in his country. Dragan is a very passionate cyclist and coordinator of...